Gorilla Monitoring and Protection in Volcanoes National Park Rwanda

1. Volcanoes National Park Description

This park is situated in northern Rwanda. This region is characterized by ancient volcanoes, which are home to a rare species: the mountain gorilla, a near cousin of humans that you may meet at Volcanoes National Park. Within the magnificent majesty of Rwanda’s gorgeous environment, five enormous mountains soar towards sky beneath a dense veil of mist. They comprise a massive mountain range, with the tallest summit, Karisimbi, reaching a height of (4,507 m), Bisoke (3,711m), Sabyinyo (3,634m), Gahinga (3,474m), and Muhabura (3,474m). (4,127m).

2 . Volcanoes National Park Vegetation

There is a clear relationship between altitude and fauna and flora in this area. It is not unexpected, therefore, to discover a succession of groups of vegetation with well-defined bounds, separated into five stages from the lowest, known as the mountain forest, to the highest, known as the Afro-Alpine, which consists of groups of evergreen plants.

But the most fascinating stage is definitely that of hagenia (hageniaabyssinica) at an altitude of 8,500 to 11,000 feet. These unusual trees vary in height from thirty to sixty feet and have a twisty trunk and low branches coated in a thick covering of lichen that promotes the development of different orchid kinds.

While the mountain gorilla is the most unique and noteworthy of the park’s wildlife, there are many more interesting creatures to highlight.

The forest elephant, which is smaller than his savannah cousin, does not hesitate, despite his weight and size, to scale the steep slopes of the volcanoes.

This forest cover supports three ungulate species: the forest hog (Hylochoerusmeinertzhageni), the yellow-backed duiker, and the black-fronted duiker. (Cephalophusnigrifous). The last-mentioned little antelope is fairly common and often seen. The buffalo and harnessed antelope should be considered with the other ungulates.

Birds are also of great importance, since certain species are very rare and only found in high alpine places. More than 140 species have been identified, with the most magnificent being the mountain touracos (Ruwenzornisjohnstoni) and the exceedingly exquisite black partridge. (Francolinusnobilis).

  1. Gorillas in volcanoes national park

Mountain gorillas are massive creatures, with some males reaching over six feet in height and weighing 220 kg. The skull is large, and the big jaws are armed with formidable teeth.

The gorilla, contrary to popular belief, is a calm and friendly animal in its natural environment.

Mountain gorillas are exceptionally gregarious creatures that form groups of three to more than twenty.

  1. Why gorilla monitoring

Gorillas are stunningly attractive and hardy creatures. Poaching and habitat destruction, however, have driven their numbers to the verge of extinction in recent decades. We understood then that gorillas would need our assistance to live. Today, Rwanda’s government is committed to maintaining and strengthening gorilla protection. Every day, we safeguard gorillas and their habitats while also assisting the people that live nearby.

  1. Gorilla monitoring and protection?

Mountain gorillas have been constantly tracked and researched since Dian Fossey started working with them in 1967, after founding the Karisoke Research Center. She began the process of accustoming them to the presence of human eyewitnesses in order to identify and record their actions, status, movements, and other vital information. Fossey Fund trackers and researchers now guard and study around half of Rwanda’s mountain gorillas, with the other half being protected by Rwandan national park officials. (RDB)

  1. How we do monitoring

Trackers identify their assigned gorilla group each morning by locating the gorillas’ night nests and then following the path of crushed foliage left behind when the group moves away in the morning. Trackers detect each member in the group and collect information on general appearance and health, as well as any change in group composition due to births, deaths, immigration, or emigration, in order to follow population dynamics. Furthermore, researchers gather extensive behavioral data for a gorilla research database and particular investigations.

  1. Gorillas protection

We have specialized anti-poaching teams that patrol certain areas of the gorilla habitat to look for and protect against unlawful activities in the forest, particularly poacher activity, such as snares used to entrap animals. The snares are designed for antelopes and small game animals, but they may injure or kill gorillas as well. Anti-poaching teams also document other unlawful operations in the forest, such as wood cutting or water collecting. All of this information is sent to the Park Authority, where it is coupled with other anti-poaching data gathered across the park to identify the best tactics for safeguarding the forest.